(BC) Equity, Efficiency and the Invisible Transportation Majority

invisible people

That old transport paradigm, the one we are still living with today, is far too narrow in terms of the range and quality of people targeted and services offered, and in the process fails to serve what is — in fact — the transpiration majority.

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World Streets Photo Album: 2009-2015

ws-pic-eb-michigan-small2A selection of hundreds of photographs that have appeared the pages of World Streets over the last several years.  Many stories which the reader is warmly invited to complete from her own experience and imagination

Depending on the speed of your internet connection you may have to wait some seconds before the first images appear. From then on all you have to do is tap the photo to move on to the next one. (We try to identify and give our sources in the associated stories in the journal, but this is not always possible. But we are trying to get better.)



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Nobody saw it coming (Well almost nobody)

Two decades after the end of the Second World War,  an enormous pattern was taking over cities across Europe, as each day more cars were being put on the road and as their prime target began to unceasingly take over public space in city after city. And yet, few cities were prepared to face the challenge. The metastasis was so grindingly persistent and day by day that it simply seemed to be part of Europe’s  new and hard won prosperity. And who after all  can be against progress?  Certainly not most politicians.

But here and there, starting already in the late sixties, individual citizens and small civil society groups opened their eyes began to take on the challenge.  There are stories of how these actions played themselves out in many European cities. Here is one the comes from Amsterdam and that we share with you thanks to Pascal van den Noort and Velo Mondial, who passed this along from a story entitled “Amsterdam children fighting cars in 1972” put  online by Bicycle Dutch – https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/ .

Here we are today and the challenges and the stakes from these same problems are even greater than ever.  I would say that we have a great deal to learn from the past. Let’s start by listening to the voices of several children on the streets of Amsterdam in 1972.

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