Equity-Based Transportation Planning, Policy and Practice: Helsinki project announcement

This week we initiate work on the first stages of preparatory organization in
support of an “open conversation” looking into the pros and cons of creating an equity-based transportation system at the level of a city and the surrounding region.  This first pioneering project, in which we hope will become a series of leading world city projects building on this first example, is being carried out under the leadership of  the Helsinki Department of City Planning and Transportation, and is running over the period mi-February through mid-April.

A collaborative investigation of an unusual concept in Helsinki Finland

Let me start by presenting a few opening thoughts on what we means by an equity-based transport system, and then close out this first notice with some information explaining how this project is intended to unfold along with a few final words on how you can follow it and possibly even get involved.

 1.  What is an Equity-based transport system ?

I was discussing this project only yesterday with a bright young woman from the Emirates, who smiled at me as I asked her views and said: ‘Don’t you understand Eric, life is not fair”.  That gives us, I would say, a good point of departure.

The first step in this process just getting underway is to create a common understanding – if indeed it is actually the case – of the fact that in most cities in the world, probably all of them to be perfectly frank and accurate, our transportation arrangements are not equitable. There are winners and losers from the present mobility arrangements, worse here, perhaps a bit better there.

In all places, better and worse, there is a basic pattern.  Thus women are by and large less well served than men.  Non-drivers less well than drivers. The elderly and frail less than the active and healthy.  Children less well than adults, The poor less well than the rich. The unemployed less well than those with jobs.  Those of us  who cannot really (that “really” is an important word that we shall also be looking into) afford to own and operate cars as opposed to those who can. And if you care to think about it a bit, you can surely complete this list as well as I. 

In a word, in most cities n this planet for the great majority of all people the present transportation arrangements are inequitable. The (a) all-car (b) no-choice transportation arrangements of the 20th century are not doing the job for the transportation majority. They are unfair, inefficient and uneconomic.

So what if we were to turn the situation around and take as a starting point for public policy and investments in the sector not so much the twentieth century values of speed and distance but 21st-century values of equity , social justice and deep democracy.

This project under the supervision of the city of Helsinki is in the two months ahead engaging an open exploration of the concept of equity-based transportation systems in Helsinki.  The project method keys on the participation of a small team who will meet with a good cross-section of groups and interests in various parts of Helsinki, and discuss with them both in general and very specifically such things as: what is already going on in their sector to create more equitable mobility arrangements; what are the ongoing plans and goals; and what would be needed from city or national government, or other sources eventually, in order to achieve some significant steps toward a more equitable transportation system.

We don’t need any new infrastructure, what we need is to clear the existing infrastructure of inefficient vehicles and replace them with efficient ones.
– Kris De Decker

One of the key pillars behind this program is a belief that, properly engaged, the move to equity-based transportation can lead to greater efficiency and economy both for specific groups and individuals, and also for the city and its region as a whole. That it is to say that it is going to be a step up, and not a step down.

If we redraw the system to make it better for women of all ages and life condition, it will be better for men as well.  Better for the frail and elderly, better for the rest as well.  better and safer for children, then better and safer for all. Etc.

At the end of the day, once you understand and accept the basic principle of equity a huge number of other good things follow. And you have only to look in one place to see if you have it — and that is on the streets of your city. If the mayor, all public servants, and the top 20% of your community travel by the same means as the other 80%, you have an equitable system. If not, not!

 2.   Project Schedule 

  1. 15 to 29 February.  Planning stage. Development of program plan, contact suggestions, schedules, and basic supporting documentation.
  1. 1 to 14 March.  Initial outreach program and finalization of Finnish documentation.  Development and communication of basic documentation and interview and meeting arrangements with a broad cross-section of individuals, groups and programs working in sector.  (Click here to get an idea of the organisations to be contacted for the project.)
  1. 14 to 20 March.  Interviews, site visits and conversations with key groups and interests in the greater Helsinki area to be carried out.  (Interview and dialogue process will in fact continue over the entire period through 29 March.)
  1. 21 to 23 March.  Invitational three-day Master Class will be held in the auditorium of the Department of City Planning, with the formal presentations and public discussions running from 09:00 to 11:30 each day, followed up by continuing private discussions and exchanges with the team over the remainder of those days. Session 1: Equity and Transport. 2. Equity and Transport in Helsinki. 3. Strategic responses at project and overall systemic levels.
  1. 24 to 28 March.  Continuing contacts with key interest groups, as well as review sessions with the teams responsible for organizing the ongoing programs generating the Helsinki Master Plan, Metropolitan Area Transport  System Plan and the Program  for Promoting Cycling in Helsinki. On 27 March a final public presentation and discussion to be organized in the auditorium of the Department of City Planning, both to report on mission findings, and seek further information and views to be included in the final report and recommendations.
  1. 29 March to 13 April.  Report drafting, internal review is limited distribution to external reviewers, and report finalization and submittal on thirteen April. 


3.   Informal international panel

We are currently playing with the idea of creating an informal international panel of friends and colleagues around the world who might be interested in following this process closely, and perhaps also to make their views known from time to time. To help round out your information on this, the following section provides some one-click links to sources that you may find of use in this respect.  

Campaigning maximises the motivation of the audience, not their knowledge. Try using education to campaign, and you end up circling and exploring your issue but not changing it. Of course all campaigns have some ‘educational’ effect — but it is education by doing, through experience, not through being given information.           – Chris Rose

4.   Further information/sources 

  • Website: An informal website has been set up at http://equitytransport.wordpress.com/.  Intended to help international readers of World Streets and others to follow and learn from Helsinki project .
  • Outreach: Inventory of groups, organizations to be contracted. Click  here
  • Library: A small library of useful documentation can be found here

Working Contact: Eric Britton at eric.britton@worldstreets.org  +331 7550 3788 Skype: newmobility.

Please get in touch if you wish to receive, against comments, the latest project plan and documentation.

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